Change is hard at first, messy in the middle and gorgeous in the end.

Robert Sharma

0 jaar
ervaring in finance
member of Advisory Board
grote risk/change projecten
mensen in haar team
Vanessa brings a lot of energy, banking experience, optimism and effective vigor to our team.
Wietze Reehoorn, CRO ABN AMRO
Vanessa ziet scherp waar mogelijkheden liggen, creëert kansen en weet als geen ander mensen in beweging te krijgen door de combinatie van uitdaging & vertrouwen.
Mascha Sonnemans, Hoofd Business Control FR&R, ABN AMRO

Working for Vanessa means working with Vanessa. It is also a pleasure as she trusts and empowers her people and has a warm personality and a creative and inspiring nature.

Susanne Posthuma, MT RM&ORMC